What is Regulatory Compliance & Why is it So Important?
Regulatory compliance is a term that you have likely heard if you are in a management position for your organization, but unless your daily job integrates with compliance procedures, you probably...
Facility management is and will probably forever be a forward-thinking field. We are constantly leveraging modern innovations and emerging technologies to enhance the processes performed daily in our facilities. While that sentiment is good for the overall growth and trajectory...
When investing in a new software platform for your university, there are many long-term aspects your team should consider. The effect a new platform will have on your employees, the time needed for installation and implementation, and so on. However,...
The phrase "modern problems require modern solutions" has been prevalent on the internet recently. While its memetic use provides a quick laugh for many, it's hard not to see why that phrase seems so applicable to our current lives. Many...
As we head towards the end of 2021, more and more universities and businesses are starting to reopen. While many entities will have to navigate the myriad of unique problems caused by this pandemic, no organization is in the same...
The SCLogic Premier Group has many members who work in colleges and universities, a unique sector within the logistics field. Our company realizes that higher-ed mailroom managers and staff have to navigate so many issues daily. Thankfully, we have talented...
Across the nation, we are facing rising cases of COVID-19, and with the addition of variants such as the Delta variant, many Americans may face the unpleasant possibility of regression in acclimating to normal life. With the fear of job...
When working for a government entity of any size, the need for efficiency and comprehensive oversight of daily tasks remains at the forefront of any manager’s job requirements. Management for government facilities does have many similarities to traditional corporate facilities...
Though the school year may end in May, the work of university and college staff lasts year-round, as many spend their summers preparing for the onslaught of new students that occurs at the end of August. With move-in dates rapidly...