What makes us different?

Optimize your digital transformation process through our higher-ed operations management platform.

Intra is the complete automation software solution for campus logistics.

What We Offer

Our university operations management platform, Intra, provides configurable workgroups catered to the unique needs of your campus. We expedite the digital transformation process through innovative facilities management technology.

Optimize campus mailroom tasks by using Intra for package tracking, internal and external shipping requests, and virtual mailboxes for students and faculty. 


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Manage assets across your campus through our Asset Logistics Workgroup. Add, move, and transfer ownership of assets across departments and gain oversight of asset maintenance needs.


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Centralize student and faculty requests, visitor tracking, and more through our Campus Services Workgroup. Monitor visitors across campus and complete facility inspections with ease.

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Student &

Faculty Mail


Our Student & Faculty Mail Workgroup optimizes your mail center operations through digital mailroom integrations such as smart lockers, kiosks, barcodes, and more. Provide students and staff with flexible options while organizing your mailroom operations.


Student &

Faculty Mail


Our Student & Faculty Mail Workgroup optimizes your mail center operations through digital mailroom integrations such as smart lockers, kiosks, barcodes, and more. Provide students and staff with flexible options while organizing your mailroom operations.


Asset Logistics &

Central Receiving


Both our Asset Logistics and Central Receiving Workgroups maximize organization across your campus. Manage assets, maintenance, and distribution while improving ESG and sustainability goals, all through our cloud automation platform.


Asset Logistics &

Central Receiving


Both our Asset Logistics and Central Receiving Workgroups maximize organization across your campus. Manage assets, maintenance, and distribution while improving ESG and sustainability goals, all through our cloud automation platform.





Keep your campus running as efficiently as possible with our Campus Services Workgroup. Prioritize security with visitor tracking, and implement modern task management workflows for facility staff members.





Keep your campus running as efficiently as possible with our Campus Services Workgroup. Prioritize security with visitor tracking, and implement modern task management workflows for facility staff members.


Why Intra?

Intra V8 Graphic in Laptop

Digital Transformation Leaders

We know that digital transformation includes all aspects of your organization, including facilities management. Lead your business into the future, and improve daily workflows with the help of industry experts.

Guiding the Future Workforce

Universities have had to adapt to changing preferences regarding higher education, and this includes a holistic view of campus needs. With Intra, you’re investing in the well-being of the future workforce.

Why Intra?

Intra V8 Graphic in Laptop

Digital Transformation Leaders

We know that digital transformation includes all aspects of your organization, including facilities management. Lead your business into the future, and improve daily workflows with the help of industry experts.

Guiding the Future Workforce

Universities have had to adapt to changing preferences regarding higher education, and this includes a holistic view of campus needs. With Intra, you’re investing in the well-being of the future workforce.

Ready to Learn More?

Contact us today to learn more about our Higher Education Solutions

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